If the comic relief in your family comes from the youngest sibling, then you are not alone. A study by YouGov, a global online community, revealed that there is a significant difference in the personality qualities of the oldest and the youngest siblings and the latter is said to be the funniest.
The study asked participants to classify how they perceive their sense of humor in comparison to their siblings. Additionally, the study ranked their responsibility, organizational skills, and assertiveness.
The results show that the youngest siblings are hilarious to live with, and they have a strong desire to entertain their family members. Not only are they funny, but they also possess other character traits that help define their personalities.
Below are four more positive traits to make you feel proud of having a last-born in your family.
1. They Are Adventurous
Unlike firstborns, who take on the leadership roles among siblings by default, the youngest ones are more adventurous to go with their sense of humor. The study was conducted by Frank Sulloway, author of Born to Rebel and a birth order researcher. It said they tend to find a family role that has not already been claimed by their elder siblings.
Also, for the last-born to find their place, they tend to experiment often and take more risks so that they assert their identities and talents. Sulloway wrote in his research that they are often more open to experience, and more exploratory, hence their adventurous and humorous mentality.
2. They Are Relaxed
According to YouGov, youngest siblings tend to perceive themselves as more relaxed. This outcome usually comes from their parents who had a more relaxed parenting style, due to experience from raising their older children.
Research also proves that the older sibling feels more responsible compared to their younger brothers and sisters. Since the younger ones do not have many responsibilities, they are likely to feel more relaxed, delightful, and able to perceive humor in circumstances that older siblings may choose to overlook.
3. They Are Sociable
Even though firstborns are more assertive than last-borns, the younger siblings are usually more social, fun-loving and make friends easily according to Sulloway’s studies. Eventually, the youngest members of the family learn how to manipulate others and control situations.
Another great explanation according to Kevin Leman, a psychologist, and author of The Birth Order Book says that parents are carefree once the last child is born and less nervous than when they were first-time parents. Therefore, last-borns usually bear fewer responsibilities than their elder siblings. This makes them more cheerful, fun-loving, easygoing and affectionate, which are all the key elements of social ability.
4. They Are Creative
While studies prove that older siblings on average have higher IQs, the younger siblings are usually more creative. The possible reason is that the parents are less likely to dedicate as much attention when educating their youngest children.
You may find this statement negative, but it has some significant benefits in the creativity department. One advantage is that it gives the youngest child opportunities to solve problems alone in an original and creative way.